Diabetes costs the Ugandan Government and households UGX 2.2 trillion annually.

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  • Create Date Oct 16, 2023
  • Last Updated Oct 23, 2023

Diabetes costs the Ugandan Government and households UGX 2.2 trillion annually.

The IDF regards Uganda as one of the 48 countries with a growing diabetes-related health issue. With a prevalence of 4.1 percent for all types of T2DM (diagnosed and undiagnosed) in Uganda in 2019, 1.69 million Ugandans have T2DM. It is costly to manage and treat T2DM. The brief highlights that in 2022, diagnosed T2DM management and treatment cost the government and households a total of UGX2.2 trillion, the burden falling more on households. Oral drugs and OPD consultations were the key cost drivers for treating T2DM without complications. At the same time, diabetic eye treatment of laser and cataract type, haemodialysis, and strokes drove the high costs of T2DM-related complications. Given this, emphasis must be placed on spreading knowledge about T2DM and, more significantly, developing prevention programs.

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