EPRC Management

EPRC Management

EPRC is an autonomous not-for-profit membership-based institution with defined governing bodies that include:

  • The Annual General Meeting
  • The Executive Director
  • The Board of Management
  • Management Committee
The Annual General Meeting

The supreme decision making authority of EPRC is the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which comprises of two members namely, the Government of Uganda (GoU), through the Minister responsible for Finance and Planning; and Makerere University, through the Vice Chancellor who are the first subscribers to the Memorandum of Association.

However, additional members may be admitted upon approval by the existing Members.  The AGM vests its mandate to the Board of Management (BoM) which provides strategic direction to the Centre.

The Executive Director

The Executive Director is appointed by the Board to ensure that the work programme and activities of the Centre are coordinated and implemented in accordance with the policies and decisions adopted by the Board.

The Executive Director supported by the Director Research, Finance Manager, Programme Manager. The Human Resource and Administration Manager coordinates, guides and manages the day to day activities of the Centre.

The Centre’s research agenda is executed by the Executive Director and the Director Research with support from other staff researchers and researchers from national and international collaborating institutions.

The Board of Management

The Board of Management (BoM) is the policy-making organ of the Centre and comprises the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and a number of Directors appointed by the AGM by virtue of the positions held, in a wide range of organizations representing the Ugandan society.

The BoM ensures that the organization operates within its mandate, preserves its values, and operates as a responsible corporate citizen. It is responsible for providing strategic guidance and direction to the organization, general oversight of the organization’s business and operations, policy formulation, compliance, strategy formulation and implementation, and guides the development of new programmes.

The Board of Management (BoM) is the policy-making organ of the centre. Read more about it here.

Strategic Plan
1. Winning Aspiration

Recognised leader in providing timely evidence based research responsive to user needs for policy and good governance

2. Our Playing Field

Customers: Government; Development Partners; Private Sector; Academia & Research Institutions; Civil Society, Media & General Public

Products & Services: (a) Stakeholder Responsive Research; (b) Position Papers; (c) User Friendly Research products (e.g. Policy Briefs, Fact Sheet); (d) Policy Foresight; (e) Technical Support; and (f) Capacity Building and strengthening (e.g. Young Professional Program, internship).

Channels: Targeted Meetings; Public Dialogues/Conferences; Sector Working Groups, Technical Working Committees; Donor Working Groups; Networking; Partnerships & Affiliates; Publications (digital & print); Media Engagement.

Geography: Focus on Uganda, serve globally.

3. Our Focus Areas / Pillars


i) Offer responsive evidence based research through proactive engagement with stakeholders


ii) Branding, marketing, publishing and partnerships through leveraging on technology

iii) Flexible work practices for organisational scalability to meet emerging demands

iv) Sustainable and growing centre

v) Risk, compliance and shared services

4. Capabilities we must have

C1. Competent staffing (research, communications, graphics & video, information technology and management, resource mobilisation, finance, human resource)

C2. Physical and Virtual Go To Resource Centre for Economic Policy Research

C3. Public relations, country-wide mobilisation & convening and multi media publishing

C4. Resource mobilisation and partnership management

5. Management systems we need

S1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – HR, Finance, Membership management, Subscription, Unified Communication, Research, etc

S2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for key processes

S3. ISO 9001:2008 Certification for core processes

S4. Governance structures and systems