28 Feb

Stakeholders sit on round table to discuss key capacity imperatives that have enabled or constrained national development planning during a workshop organised by EPRC. With National Development Planning coming back firmly to Uganda’s planning space in 2010, a set of processes, policies and practices referred to as New…

12 May

A child undergoes health examination in one of the health centres in Uganda. According to Sheila Depio, Uganda still falls short of universal birth registration and certification. UNICEF PHOTO. The National Identification Regulatory Authority (NIRA) has been called upon to institute effective coordination mechanisms with local government to…

21 Feb

Although Uganda has made progress in infrastructure development, the country still faces huge deficits across all sectors, including in transport, energy, water and information and communication technology that require financing beyond the public budget ceilings. These deficits affect the business climate and increase the cost of doing business…

11 Jan

As the country reels under an apparent slowdown, experts, academics, policy makers and politicians are providing several explanations to pinpoint the underlying reasons. From these explanations, a range of possible recommendations emerge for a rejuvenation of the economy to (re)witness the growth miracle and poverty reduction (56.4 percent…

21 Oct

Miriam Katunze, a Research Analyst with EPRC has presented preliminary findings from a paper titled “Increasing women’s participation in private sector decision-making: the case of Uganda’s firms”. While presentating her maiden findings, Katunze hinted that although the number of women joining the labour market is increasing, their representation…