Swaibu Mbowa (PhD)

Dr. Swaibu Mbowa is currently a Senior Research Fellow at EPRC. He joined the Centre as a Research Fellow in August 2011 and he had previously worked at the Centre as a Research Associate.

His other prior appointments include Senior Scientist, KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture (1997); Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Makerere University (1998) – later promoted to Senior Lecture in 2001; Consultant at the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), Wageningen in the Netherlands.

His areas of research include agricultural policy analysis, socio-economic and agribusiness development studies.

He holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Natal (1997); MSc (Agricultural Economics) and Bachelor of Arts (Economics/Rural Economics), both of Makerere University.

Publications by Swaibu Mbowa