The private sector in Uganda remains a key engine of economic growth. However, firms face various growth and survival constraints which undermine private sector led growth.
There is also increased focus on improving competitiveness in view of the East African Community (EAC) integration, where domestic firms face increased competition
Our research in this area provides insights how the state and the private sector can partner to build a competitive economy.
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Sub-theme 1: Private sector competitiveness, regional integration and access to finance
- Impediments to private sector competitiveness.
- Private sector financing and access to credit
- Analysis critical issues affecting private sector access to markets – domestic, regional and global.

Sub-theme 2: Policy framework and initiatives to promote SMEs
- Policies and incentives to promote SMEs involvement in value addition in key sectors such as agriculture
- Drivers of low productivity among SMEs and the roles of the state in addressing the gaps
- Implications of existing policies, laws, and regulation on private sector development
- Appropriate technology for Uganda’s private sector and impediments to technology transfer and incubation by SMEs

Sub-theme 3: Institutional behaviour and private sector development.
- Assess budget allocation to productive sectors that will propel growth.
- Alternative options to expanding the tax base and the trade-offs for private sector competitiveness and development.
- Institutional reforms required to promote private sector development including; quality and standards, export market guarantees, access to markets, and value addition.