Long term collaboration between the UN Women and Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) on technical backstopping for generation of gender analysis knowledge products. UN Women, EPRC, and UBOS
Short title: Technical back-stopping for generation of gender analysis knowledge products.
Generation of Gender Analysis Knowledge Products (UN-WOMEN) in collaboration with UN-Women.
This a medium term collaboration project that provides technical back- stopping for generation of gender statistics and policy analysis knowledge products in Uganda. EPRC will work with key gender key stakeholders including: the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) and Gender Statistics Advisory Group (GSAG) to develop the required products.
The Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) received funding from UN Women to provide technical support and leadership in evidence-based research and policy analysis through in-depth gender analysis, development of policy and new knowledge products for increased availability and utilisation of gender statistics, data and information to inform policy and decision-making addressed to Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment.
Purpose and Objectives
To provide technical back-stopping for generation of gender statistics and policy analysis knowledge products
Target audiences:
GOU, JLOS sector, UN agencies, Local Governments, Academic institutions, CSOs
Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
Project approach
- Field surveys
- Document review
- Policy dissemination dialogues
- Capacity building
Project Activities
- Prepare and disseminate policy briefs
- Organise and facilitate capacity building events
- Hold policy engagement and communication events
- Provide technical backstopping in form of peer reviews
Donors and partners
UN Women in Uganda
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS)
School of Women and Gender Studies (MUK)
i) Preparation and dissemination of policy briefs
ii) Policy dialogues on GBV and access to Justice
iii) Capacity Building for UBOS and JLOS sector
iv) Technical backstopping in terms of peer review
v) Annual Gender statics fora
Project Team
Dr. Ibrahim Kasirye – Team Leader
Dr. Mildred Barungi – Focal person
Florence Nakazi – Project member
Jossy Muhangi – Project communication
- A) Policy briefs on
i) Access to justice for domestic violence cases in Uganda
ii) Delayed access to justice for sexual violence cases in Uganda
iii) Human trafficking in the wake of labour externalization: How responsive is the justice system?
iv) Uganda needs to increase domestic resources to finance gender equality and women’s empowerment interventions.
vi) Uganda’s performance towards tracking budget allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
vii) Adolescent motherhood and maternal deaths in Uganda.
viii) Constraints to girls’ access to secondary education in Uganda.
ix) How can Uganda address gender data gaps in the land sector?
x) The burden of physical gender based violence in Uganda
xi) Will the lack of gender disaggregated statistics affect the attainment of energy SDGs in Uganda?
- B) Capacity Building events
i) The EPRC project team mentored UBOS Statisticians in policy analysis and policy brief writing:.
ii) EPRC together with UBOS trained senior officers from selected JLOS institutions (Judiciary, ODPP, UPF, UPS, JCU, DGAL & MGLSD) on: data extraction and analysis using MS Excel, data interpretation and reporting, and information dissemination techniques.
3) Held policy engagement and communication events
- a) In collaboration with UBoS and UN WOMEN, organised the third Annual Gender Statistics Forum (AGSF III) to share lessons and progress on the production and use of gender statistics in guiding decision making. The AGSF III was held on November 28, 2019 at Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala.
- b) On Thursday 12th of December 2019, EPRC in partnership with UN Women held a policy dialogue on “Gender-Based Violence” at Hotel Africana in Kampala. The dialogue brought together participants from various government ministries and agencies, donor community, and academia and non-government organizations.
- c) On November 19, 2020, EPRC together with UBOS organised the fourth annual gender statistics forum (AGSF IV), as part of the commemoration of the 2020 Gender Statistics Week (November 16 – 20, 2020).
- d) On December 03, 2020, together with CSBAG, EPRC organised a policy dialogue on “Evidence building, planning and budgeting to increase access to justice for victims of sexual and domestic violence in Uganda”. The dialogue was strategically held as part of the commemoration of the 16 days of activism against GBV.
4) Provided technical backstopping in form of peer reviews
Reviewed five research products in preparation for the third annual gender statistics forum:
- a) Research papers
- An Empirical Investigation of Gender and Time Use in Uganda
- The Extent of Women Empowerment in Uganda: A multidimensional approach
The two papers were also presented by EPRC researchers at the AGSF III, which EPRC co-organised with UBOS and UN WOMEN
- b) Policy briefs
- Women financial inclusion for increased economic empowerment
- Unlocking the sociocultural and economic barriers to achieve gender parity
- c) Research report on “Understanding gender dimensions from a socio-economic household based survey perspective: An analytical report based on UNHS, UNPS and UDHS”
Here, the EPRC intends to provide technical support and leadership in conducting evidence-based research and policy analysis through in-depth gender analysis, development of policy briefs, and related knowledge products for increased availability and utilization of gender statistics, data, information for policy and decision making addressed to gender equality and women’s empowerment. This is in line with outcome 1.3 quality data is developed to track GEWE process of strategic note (SN 2016-2020).
It is aligned to the UN Women Annual Workplan (AWP 2019) and responds to the following outcomes.