SEDI: Strengthening use of evidence for development impact


SEDI is a five-year programme (2019-24) that is working on increasing the use of evidence by policymakers in Uganda, Ghana and Pakistan. In partnership with country governments, this programme aims to develop capacity and promote innovation in increasing evidence-informed decision-making. SEDI is funded by the UK government Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.


In partnership with country governments, this programme aims to develop capacity and promote innovation in increasing evidence-informed decision-making.

Project Objectives

SEDI seeks to:

  1. Increase the instrumental use of evidence to directly inform policy or programme decisions taken by country governments
  2. Increase the embedded use of evidence in processes, systems and the working culture of governments.
Project Approach

Based on the shared value of co-creation, this multi-country partnership draws on the wealth of expertise and experience of multiple organisations. SEDI is working with policymakers and other key stakeholders to design, pilot and implement interventions in a politically informed, demand-driven and equity-responsive manner. We are currently working with our government partners to support them in using evidence to inform Covid-19 response efforts.

Target Audiences

Primary audiences: Government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs);

Other audiences: Private sector; civil society; development partners; and Dutch Embassy in Uganda

Project Activities
The following are some of the activities to be implemented by the project:

Blog: Strengthening Evidence Use During a Period of Reforms and Transitions: Lessons from Uganda

About the SEDI consortium

The SEDI consortium is led by Oxford Policy Management and comprises national, international and regional partners. The national lead organisations – Sustainable Development Policy Institution in Pakistan; Economic Policy Research Centre in Uganda and Africa Centre for Economic Transformation in Ghana – provide programme leadership and coordination in each country. These national organisations are authoritative voices in national policy processes and will ensure effective engagement and a sustainable legacy for SEDI.

The international partners – INASP, Oxford Policy Management, Overseas Development Institute and 3ie – as well as the regional partners – African Institute for Development Policy and Africa Centre for Evidence –contribute their knowledge and years of experience in working with governments across the world to promote evidence-informed development. They provide technical thought partnership, facilitate cross-country learning and collaborate on programme delivery.


EPRC Project Team
Dr. Sarah Ssewanyana

Steering Committee Member

Dr. Mildred Barungi

Principle Investigator

Elizabeth Birabwa

Project Manager

Tony Odokonyero

Monitoring & Evaluation Expert

Medard Kakuru


Dablin Mpuuga


Denis Arop Nono

Project Administrator
